Saturday, May 23, 2009

I need your help......

Hey one more post and then im done....for nowSo those of you who really know me, know how very passionate i am on certain things and when that happens nothing can hold me back. Well buckle up because i just found something to really be passionate about and to dig in and get your hands dirty. I was blessed to go and hear Christine Caine speak at our women's retreat and she really opened our eyes about something horrific that is going on and we need to each start doing something about this. I want you to watch this video and i hope it impacts you the way it did me, perhaps enough to go to the website and find a way to help. I dont want anybody to think that they can't really make an impact because that is so very untrue and the enemy wants you to believe that! So please watch and then pray about how you can be used in this fight.Thank you

now please visit the website

Hello again!

Hey to all,
So I have done quite poorly in keeping up with my has been the busiest we have ever experienced and I have just haven't had the time on the computer I once had so I apologize for that! I am absolutely thrilled that summer is just around the corner and our little family is ready to take off and have fun! Gav is soooooo BEYOND ready to get out of school and I am soooo beyond ready for absolutely no school schedule! WOOT!! Lol Ella Bella is loving all the time outside and is reminding me so much of myself when i was about her age. She is my little dirt digger, tree climber, mud cake maker explorer. We recently had to pull a 3/4 inch splinter out of her foot, blech! My mother reminded me of the time i came home after trying to climb over a fence with both knees full of splinters......i suppose it is coming around on me now! HA! Usually Ella and her best friend Kiki come in looking like they were just rolling in mounds of dirt....which i dont doubt they have been! :)
Gav's last t-ball game was today and he did really well, he sure does love to play although he doesnt always enjoy the running. ;) He has really become interested in sports here lately and is even wanting to get into basketball next year! We were a bit suprised with this new interest since he has never really shown any interest in sports (ie- basketball, baseball, tennis, football, etc.) since Jeff and I are not really "sportsy" kind of people. We do however get excited over the x-games and desert racing. Now THAT thrills us! So I had always had high hopes gav would get into something like that! Lol Ah well, i love him just the way he is....whatever he loves I will love it to! I can't believe that this summer I will become the mother of a seven year old and a three year old....kind of makes me feel like im getting old. I will be turning 26 yrs. old next month and Im starting to feel kind of like a grownup....well kind of. ;) Perhaps that is why my hair is back to blue!
Love you all and have a great summer....i will try and write more!
I will post some pics later when i have a bit more time!